
How to keep baby safe in the kitchen?

Babies and toddlers are naturally curious. They want to explore and touch everything. In the kitchen, this can mean danger. It’s not always practical to keep the kitchen completely out of bounds. Sometimes, you are alone, and you need to keep an eye on your baby while you cook. Luckily, it’s possible to babyproof your…

10 Hidden Dangers Every Parent Should Know

As parents, we all have one thing in common: wanting to protect our children. We tend to focus on the common dangers like drownings, car accidents, or house fires. However, many of us are unaware of less common dangers that don’t get as much publicity. Learning about these other hazards can help you take simple…

Protect your child from the 5 most common elevator dangers!

Elevators move billions of people around the world. Nowadays, they are common in mid and high-rise buildings. While modern elevators are relatively safe for passengers with proper installation, advanced safety features,  and regular service, children can still suffer injuries. Many of these elevator-related accidents are avoidable with proper public awareness. Read on to discover the…

Newborn Baby Essentials List

Are you prepping for your baby’s arrival and feel quite lost on what to buy and what not to buy? I feel you. I’ve been there too, and so did every mama to be. The amount of baby supplies a newborn requires can take anyone by surprise. Not only that, how can you decide which…

Ultimate grocery shopping list

I’m a full-time working mum, with baby number two on the way. My overworked brain (because that’s how it feels), has a tough time remembering stuff like toilet paper, and occasionally milk and diapers. That’s why I created an easy grocery shopping list filled with all the essentials. The grocery list has worked wonderfully for…

15 Tried and tested tips for flying with toddlers

Flying with toddlers can be frightening. Nobody wants to be “that parent” with the screaming child on the airplane. It’s hard enough surviving a regular day with a toddler without an epic meltdown, never mind bundling into a closed space with lots of strangers for hours on end! But I’m here to tell you, don’t…

How to make printable flashcards for babies or toddlers?

Preparing printable flashcards is a simple DIY project. If I can do it, anybody can. This whole idea started when I was looking for store-bought flashcards for my son, and I couldn’t find what I was looking for at the time. This is when I decided to do the cards myself. I like flashcards. They…

10 Best baby and toddler books 0 – 18 months

As soon as my son was born, I started reading to him. I don’t know why I did that. Maybe because I love books? Maybe that was my way of interacting and creating a bond with him? Fast forward, he is almost 18 months old today and he loves books. Apparently, without knowing it, I…

How to childproof your holiday?

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere! I love this time of year, but I have been putting a hold on holiday decorations. To be honest, I’m a little nervous. This is our first Christmas with a very active toddler in the house. I know for a fact that holiday décor and children…

How to babyproof your TV and entertainment center?

The TV is like a wonderland. It is very attractive and full of temptation for your baby. Light, sound, and movement? Check. Electronic devices with flashing lights and buttons? Check. Hanging cords? Again check. So how can you babyproof your TV and entertainment center? 1 Secure the tv Let’s start with the TV. The first…

What you wish you’d known about magnets

Children are notorious for eating everything from dirt to bugs, but doctors warn of one common item that can pose a serious danger if swallowed: magnets. Magnets are available in building style, connectivity toys which are said to spark children’s creative spirit and help with motor skills and coordination. See examples below. However, the most…

What you wish you’d known about bathtub toys

If your baby has bathtub toys that can trap water inside like the cute rubber ducks that squirt water, throw them out. Why are those toys dangerous? Those toys are a breeding ground for bacteria. No matter how hard you try, you cannot clean them enough. Remember that you cannot see the bacteria, but it…


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